Sweet Barr.
I can't believe that you are six months old already. That was the fastest half-year of my life. I wish the days weren't so crazy so that I could stop and stare at you more often.
The days are long and the months are fast, my friend. And you are the sweetest trooper through each moment.
The biggest milestone recently has been your first weeks of school. We were lucky to rely on Team Grandmas for the first few months but we are so excited that you are in such a good nursery. Our grandmas have been so generous with their time, and have helped ease you in to school, started off with just a few hours.
We are so lucky that you have the same great teacher that Doster did! |
6-month check-up:
Weight: 16lbs 7.5 ounces (26th percentile)
Height: 25.75inches (12th percentile)
Head Circumference: 44.5 cm (80th percentile)Note: Dr. P remeasured your head and said it was larger, but he didn't jot the new reading down.
4-month check-up:
Weight: 14lbs 9 ounces (25th percentile)
Height: 24.75 inches (23rd percentile)
Head Circumference: 44 cm (96th percentile)
You continue to be a very good sleeper at night! THANK YOU!
We typically get you down for the night around 8:30. Your wake-up time in inconsistent, anywhere from 6:45 to 8. We don't mind.
Right after 6-months (sorry, this update is a few weeks late) we stopped using the Merlin. This means that every once in a while you wake up and just need a paci.
Naps are still hit or miss, but you are starting to nap less frequently, but for longer. We're gettin' there!
We had our first bout with sickness right at the six month mark. It changed your appetite and we are working our way back.
Typically you have about 30 ounces in a day of milk, 5 bottles of 6ish ounces. I'm still pumping as best I can, but I've been sick myself these last few days, and that has caused a definite shortage of momma milk.
We started on baby food Memorial Day weekend. You've had: baby oatmeal, sweet potato, apples, squash, green beans, peas, carrots, bananas, and pear. We are working our way down the list every three-ish days. You're starting to like food a little more. You were adorably unsure about it for a few weeks.
You roll, grab, sing, babble, look around and do so many other cute baby things. I think you are almost ready to sit up.
Side by Side of our two guys...

Our whole family loves you so much. Thanks for being so easy-going and wonderful. I am so lucky to be your mom!