Dear Doster,
It is hard to believe that you are two and a half years old already. You are still my baby, but you are so big in so many ways (and let’s be clear, you do NOT like to be called a baby).
You are a little ball of cuteness—with your blonde curls always bouncing around, your little legs always running and your big-time vocabulary! I simply can’t get enough of you!
I won’t have your full stats until next month (sorry, I was a little late in scheduling your checkup) but I think it is a safe bet that you are still a shorty with a big head.
Pardon me for harping on the talking, but GEEZ. The things you say constantly astonish me.
On Thanksgiving, you looked at me and RanRan and said, “Mommy and RanRan hab similar hair.”
Really?! "Similar?" I mean, come on.
You are also rocking along with hand-eye coordination (you love to throw and catch the football with Daddy), and you are a very intentional color-er.
Books: Anything by Byron Barton and Runaway Bunny
Foods: Grits, eggs, avocado, apples, sweets, CHICK-FIL-A
TV Show: Yo Gabba Gabba (specifically the Fairy Tale episode which you ask for by name)
Activities: Duplo and “Chase and Run”
Dislikes: Bed time, sitting still, and brushing teeth
A Few Highlights and Milestones
Big Boy Bed:
This happened…
So this happened….
You LOVED “helping” daddy use his tools on this
Another Haircut:
You adorably said that you were nervous.
Music Class:
You’ve had so much fun in the USC Music Play Class with your friends.
Lately, it has been a bit challenging (to say the least) to get you to listen and follow direction. You love the songs but are far more interested in running around the classroom than sitting beside us and twirling the scarves.
While we were all a little sick the week of Halloween this year, we managed to perk up just in time for trick-or-treating!
I was probably a little TOO excited that I found such a good Mom-tiger t-shirt. Don’t judge.
We also hit up Boo at the Zoo with your buddies this year. Wild times but such fun memories!
WOW- you are IN. TO. FOOTBALL. I’m sure your father’s excitement is the reason, and unfortunately for me, it is mostly geared toward Clemson. You love the Gamecocks, too and are always excited to see Cocky, but you can name several Clemson players and can somehow remember their numbers. You love it!
We did head to our first football game with Papa. Though we did not stay long, we all had a nice time while we were there! While the actual football was disappointing, it was fun watching you run around the ramps and take everything in. You make everything more fun!
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It was a little loud, but you were a trooper. |
We had a beautiful celebration with family this year at Uncle Patrick’s house. You were certainly wound up and were not too interested in having your photo taken. We are so blessed to have such wonderful family so close!
By the time I got to posting this, Christmas festivities started rockin', but if it works for you, I'll list this separately later.